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The Principles were first released in September 2009 and throughout the following year ILPA solicited additional feedback from the LP and GP communities. An updated version (Principles 2.0) was released in January 2011 to address certain issues requiring additional focus, clarification or consideration of practical implications. Rt = 0, or e rt (a r 2 + b r + c) = 0. Since e rt is never zero, the above equation is satisfied (and therefore y = e rt is a solution of (.)) if and only if a r 2 + b r + c = 0. Notice that the expression a r 2 + b r + c is a quadratic polynomial with r as the unknown. It is always solvable, with roots given by the quadratic formula.

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  5. Principle 2 0 2 0
  1. Principle makes it easy to design animated and interactive user interfaces. Whether you're designing the flow of a multi-screen app, or new interactions and animations, Principle helps you create designs that look and feel amazing.
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A system must be managed. It will not manage itself. Left to themselves, components become selfish, competitive, independent profit centers, and thus destroy the system. The secret is cooperation between components toward the aim of the organization.

—W. Edwards Deming

The four foundational bodies of knowledge that inform SAFe are systems thinking, Agile development, Lean product development, and DevOps. Systems thinking takes a holistic approach to solution development, incorporating all aspects of a system and its environment into the design, development, deployment, and maintenance of the system itself.

Figure 1 illustrates three primary aspects of systems thinking.

Understanding these concepts helps leaders and teams navigate the complexity of solution development, the organization, and the larger picture of total time-to-market. Each is described in the following sections.

The Solution Is a System

SAFe guides the development and deployment of complex technology-based systems. They are represented by the SAFe Solution object, the tangible object that delivers the end user’s value and is the subject of each Value Stream—the application, satellite, medical device, or website. When it comes to such tangible systems, Deming’s comment that “a system must be managed” leads to some critical insights:

  • Team members must understand clearly the boundaries of the system, what it is, and how it interacts with the environment and the systems around it.
  • Optimizing a component does not optimize the system. Components can become selfish and hog the resources—computing power, memory, electrical power, whatever—that other elements need.
  • For the system to behave well as a system, intended behavior and some higher-level understanding of its architecture (how the components work together to accomplish the aim of the system) must be understood. Intentional design is fundamental to systems thinking.
  • The value of a system passes through its interconnections. Those interfaces—and the dependencies they create—are critical to providing ultimate value. Continuous attention to those interfaces and interactions is vital.
  • A system can evolve no faster than its slowest integration point. The faster the full system can be integrated and evaluated, the faster the system knowledge grows.

The Enterprise Building the System Is a System, Too

There’s a second aspect to systems thinking: the people, management, and processes of the organization that builds the system are also a system. The understanding that systems must be managed applies here as well. Otherwise, the components of the organization building the system will optimize locally and become selfish, limiting the speed and quality of value delivery. This leads to another set of systems thinking insights:

  • Building complex systems is a social endeavor. Therefore, leaders must cultivate an environment where people collaborate on the best way to build better systems.
  • Suppliers and customers are integral to the value stream. They must be treated as partners, based on a long-term foundation of trust.
  • Optimizing a component does not optimize the system in this case, either. Therefore optimizing local teams or functional departments does not enhance the flow of value through the enterprise.
  • And as with physical systems, the value of system passes through its interfaces here too. Accelerating flow delivery requires eliminating silos and creating cross-functional organizations, such as Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and Solution Trains.

Understand and Optimize the Full Value Stream

Value streams are fundamental to SAFe. Car design software free download. A SAFe portfolio is a collection of value streams, each of which delivers one or more solutions to the market. As illustrated in Figure 2, each value stream consists of the steps necessary to integrate and deploy a new concept through a new or existing system.

Understanding and optimizing the full value stream—the third aspect of systems thinking—is the only way to reduce the total time it takes to go from concept to cash [2]. Systems thinking mandates that leaders and practitioners grasp and continuously optimize the full value stream, especially as it crosses technical and organizational boundaries.

One essential process is value stream mapping, a systematic way to view all the steps required to produce value. This allows leaders to quickly recognize that the actual value-added processing steps—creating code and components, deployment, validation, etc.—consume only a small portion of the total time-to-market. This recognition drives these leaders to constantly focus on the delays between steps. An example of a value stream map is provided in Figure 3.

Note that in this example that almost all the time between a feature request and deployment is wait time, resulting in a highly inefficient process.

Only Management Can Change the System

Everyone is already doing their best; the problems are with the system … only management can change the system.”

—W. Edwards Deming

Presonus studio one pro 3 5 4. This Deming quote prepares us for a final set of insights. Systems thinking requires a new approach to management as well, a perspective where managers are problem solvers, take the long view, proactively eliminate impediments, and lead the changes necessary to improve systems and performance. These Lean-Agile Leaders:

  • Exhibit and teach systems thinking and Lean-Agile values, principles, and practices
  • Engage in solving problems and eliminating roadblocks and ineffective internal systems
  • Apply and teach root-cause analysis and corrective action techniques
  • Collaborate with the teams to reflect at key Milestones and identify and address shortcomings
  • Take a long-term view, investing in enabling capabilities such as infrastructure, practices, and tools and training that lead to faster value delivery and higher quality and productivity
  • Foster a Continuous Learning Culture that includes relentless improvement in the application of systems thinking


Understanding the elements of systems thinking helps leaders and teams recognize the ‘why’ and the ‘what’ of their actions, as well as the impact on those around them. This leads to a leaner, smarter enterprise that can better navigate organization and solution development complexities. And that results in better business outcomes.

Learn More

[1] Deming, W. Edwards. The New Economics. MIT Press, 1994.[2] Poppendieck, Mary and Tom Poppendieck. Implementing Lean Software Development. Addison-Wesley, 2006.

Last update: 22 August 2019

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Section 3-1 : Basic Concepts

In this chapter we will be looking exclusively at linear second order differential equations. The most general linear second order differential equation is in the form.

[begin{equation}pleft( t right)y' + qleft( t right)y' + rleft( t right)y = gleft( t right)label{eq:eq1}end{equation}]

In fact, we will rarely look at non-constant coefficient linear second order differential equations. In the case where we assume constant coefficients we will use the following differential equation.

[begin{equation}ay' + by' + cy = gleft( t right)label{eq:eq2}end{equation}]

Where possible we will use (eqref{eq:eq1}) just to make the point that certain facts, theorems, properties, and/or techniques can be used with the non-constant form. However, most of the time we will be using (eqref{eq:eq2}) as it can be fairly difficult to solve second order non-constant coefficient differential equations.

Initially we will make our life easier by looking at differential equations with (g(t) = 0). When (g(t) = 0) we call the differential equation homogeneous and when (gleft( t right) ne 0) we call the differential equation nonhomogeneous.

So, let’s start thinking about how to go about solving a constant coefficient, homogeneous, linear, second order differential equation. Here is the general constant coefficient, homogeneous, linear, second order differential equation.

[ay' + by' + cy = 0]

It’s probably best to start off with an example. This example will lead us to a very important fact that we will use in every problem from this point on. The example will also give us clues into how to go about solving these in general.

Example 1 Determine some solutions to [y' - 9y = 0] Show Solution

We can get some solutions here simply by inspection. We need functions whose second derivative is 9 times the original function. One of the first functions that I can think of that comes back to itself after two derivatives is an exponential function and with proper exponents the 9 will get taken care of as well.

So, it looks like the following two functions are solutions.

[yleft( t right) = {{bf{e}}^{3t}}hspace{0.25in},{mbox{and}}hspace{0.25in}yleft( t right) = {{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}}]

We’ll leave it to you to verify that these are in fact solutions.

These two functions are not the only solutions to the differential equation however. Any of the following are also solutions to the differential equation.

[begin{align*}yleft( t right) & = - 9{{bf{e}}^{3t}}hspace{0.25in}hspace{0.25in}yleft( t right) = 123{{bf{e}}^{3t}} yleft( t right) & = 56{{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}}hspace{0.25in}hspace{0.25in}yleft( t right) = frac{{14}}{9}{{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}} yleft( t right) & = 7{{bf{e}}^{3t}} - 6{{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}}hspace{0.25in}yleft( t right) = - 92{{bf{e}}^{3t}} - 16{{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}}end{align*}]

In fact if you think about it any function that is in the form

[yleft( t right) = {c_1}{{bf{e}}^{3t}} + {c_2}{{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}}]

will be a solution to the differential equation.

This example leads us to a very important fact that we will use in practically every problem in this chapter.

Principle of Superposition


https://herewfile314.weebly.com/convert-word-to-apple-pages.html. If ({y_1}left( t right)) and ({y_2}left( t right)) are two solutions to a linear, homogeneous differential equation then so is

[begin{equation}yleft( t right) = {c_1}{y_1}left( t right) + {c_2}{y_2}left( t right)label{eq:eq3}end{equation}]

Note that we didn’t include the restriction of constant coefficient or second order in this. This will work for any linear homogeneous differential equation.

If we further assume second order and one other condition (which we’ll give in a second) we can go a step further.

If ({y_1}left( t right)) and ({y_2}left( t right)) are two solutions to a linear, second order homogeneous differential equation and they are “nice enough” then the general solution to the linear, second order homogeneous differential equation is given by (eqref{eq:eq3}).

So, just what do we mean by “nice enough”? We’ll hold off on that until a later section. At this point you’ll hopefully believe it when we say that specific functions are “nice enough”.

So, if we now make the assumption that we are dealing with a linear, second order homogeneous differential equation, we now know that (eqref{eq:eq3}) will be its general solution. The next question that we can ask is how to find the constants (c_{1}) and (c_{2}). Since we have two constants it makes sense, hopefully, that we will need two equations, or conditions, to find them.

One way to do this is to specify the value of the solution at two distinct points, or,

[yleft( {{t_0}} right) = {y_0}hspace{0.25in}yleft( {{t_1}} right) = {y_1}]

These are typically called boundary values and are not really the focus of this course so we won’t be working with them here. We do give a brief introduction to boundary values in a later chapter if you are interested in seeing how they work and some of the issues that arise when working with boundary values.

Another way to find the constants would be to specify the value of the solution and its derivative at a particular point. Or,

[yleft( {{t_0}} right) = {y_0}hspace{0.25in}y'left( {{t_0}} right) = {y'_0}]

These are the two conditions that we’ll be using here. As with the first order differential equations these will be called initial conditions.

Example 2 Solve the following IVP. [y' - 9y = 0hspace{0.25in}yleft( 0 right) = 2,y'left( 0 right) = - 1] Show Solution

First, the two functions

[yleft( t right) = {{bf{e}}^{3t}}hspace{0.25in},{mbox{and}}hspace{0.25in}yleft( t right) = {{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}}]

are “nice enough” for us to form the general solution to the differential equation. At this point, please just believe this. You will be able to verify this for yourself in a couple of sections.

The general solution to our differential equation is then

[yleft( t right) = {c_1}{{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}} + {c_2}{{bf{e}}^{3t}}]

Now all we need to do is apply the initial conditions. This means that we need the derivative of the solution.

[y'left( t right) = - 3{c_1}{{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}} + 3{c_2}{{bf{e}}^{3t}}]

Plug in the initial conditions

2 + 2 Is 5

[begin{align*}2 & = yleft( 0 right) = {c_1} + {c_2} - 1 & = y'left( 0 right) = - 3{c_1} + 3{c_2}end{align*}]

Amarra luxe 4 3 510 cc. This gives us a system of two equations and two unknowns that can be solved. Doing this yields

[{c_1} = frac{7}{6}hspace{0.25in}{c_2} = frac{5}{6}]

The solution to the IVP is then,

[yleft( t right) = frac{7}{6}{{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}} + frac{5}{6}{{bf{e}}^{3t}}]

Up to this point we’ve only looked at a single differential equation and we got its solution by inspection. For a rare few differential equations we can do this. However, for the vast majority of the second order differential equations out there we will be unable to do this.

So, we would like a method for arriving at the two solutions we will need in order to form a general solution that will work for any linear, constant coefficient, second order homogeneous differential equation. This is easier than it might initially look.

We will use the solutions we found in the first example as a guide. All of the solutions in this example were in the form

[yleft( t right) = {{bf{e}}^{r,t}}]

Note, that we didn’t include a constant in front of it since we can literally include any constant that we want and still get a solution. The important idea here is to get the exponential function. Microsoft office 16 13 – popular productivity suite plans. Once we have that we can add on constants to our hearts content.

So, let’s assume that all solutions to

[begin{equation}ay' + by' + cy = 0label{eq:eq4}end{equation}]

will be of the form

[begin{equation}yleft( t right) = {{bf{e}}^{r,t}}label{eq:eq5}end{equation}]

To see if we are correct all we need to do is plug this into the differential equation and see what happens. So, let’s get some derivatives and then plug in.

[y'left( t right) = r{{bf{e}}^{r,t}}hspace{0.25in}hspace{0.25in}y'left( t right) = {r^2}{{bf{e}}^{r,t}}] [begin{align*}aleft( {{r^2}{{bf{e}}^{r,t}}} right) + bleft( {r{{bf{e}}^{r,t}}} right) + cleft( {{{bf{e}}^{r,t}}} right) & = 0 {{bf{e}}^{r,t}}left( {a{r^2} + br + c} right) & = 0end{align*}]

So, if (eqref{eq:eq5}) is to be a solution to (eqref{eq:eq4}) then the following must be true

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[{{bf{e}}^{r,t}}left( {a{r^2} + br + c} right) = 0]

This can be reduced further by noting that exponentials are never zero. Therefore, (eqref{eq:eq5}) will be a solution to (eqref{eq:eq4})provided (r) is a solution to

[begin{equation}a{r^2} + br + c = 0label{eq:eq6}end{equation}]

This equation is typically called the characteristic equation for (eqref{eq:eq4}).

Okay, so how do we use this to find solutions to a linear, constant coefficient, second order homogeneous differential equation? First write down the characteristic equation, (eqref{eq:eq6}), for the differential equation, (eqref{eq:eq4}). This will be a quadratic equation and so we should expect two roots, (r_{1}) and (r_{2}). Once we have these two roots we have two solutions to the differential equation. Amarra luxe 4 3 510 cc.

[begin{equation}{y_1}left( t right) = {{bf{e}}^{{r_{,1}},t}}hspace{0.25in},{mbox{and}}hspace{0.25in}{y_2}left( t right) = {{bf{e}}^{{r_{,2}},t}}label{eq:eq7}end{equation}]

Let’s take a look at a quick example.

Example 3 Find two solutions to [y' - 9y = 0] Show Solution

This is the same differential equation that we looked at in the first example. This time however, let’s not just guess. Let’s go through the process as outlined above to see the functions that we guess above are the same as the functions the process gives us.

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First write down the characteristic equation for this differential equation and solve it.

[{r^2} - 9 = 0hspace{0.25in} Rightarrow hspace{0.25in}r = pm ,3]

The two roots are 3 and -3. Therefore, two solutions are

Principal 2025

[{y_1}left( t right) = {{bf{e}}^{3t}}hspace{0.25in},{mbox{and}}hspace{0.25in}{y_2}left( t right) = {{bf{e}}^{ - 3t}}]

These match up with the first guesses that we made in the first example.

You’ll notice that we neglected to mention whether or not the two solutions listed in (eqref{eq:eq7}) are in fact “nice enough” to form the general solution to (eqref{eq:eq4}). This was intentional. We have three cases that we need to look at and this will be addressed differently in each of these cases.

So, what are the cases? As we previously noted the characteristic equation is quadratic and so will have two roots, (r_{1}) and (r_{2}). The roots will have three possible forms. These are

  1. Real, distinct roots,({r_1} ne {r_2}).
  2. Complex root,({r_{1,2}} = lambda pm mu ,i).
  3. Double roots,({r_1} = {r_2} = r).

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The next three sections will look at each of these in some more depth, including giving forms for the solution that will be “nice enough” to get a general solution.

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